Jill Wilson

Jill is a Research Associate at CUREE working with us particularly in our school and college improvement domain. She is one of our team of three Teaching and Leadership Advisers (for NCTL) and regularly undertakes SKEIN reviews.

Jill was a school senior leader for 26 years including head of a large secondary school.  She is an advocate of educational research and chaired the National Teachers’ Research Panel. As a head she worked with other local schools to develop a partnership for shared school improvement focusing on a number of collaborative projects including the commissioning of services and the establishment of a Community Interest Company. Other experience includes secondment as an associate secondary management adviser, chair of the county secondary heads’ association and contributing to the development of a schools’ led online CPD programme.

Jill is a governor of a sponsored academy and of a girls’ independent school and Chair of Governors at a primary school.  She provides school improvement consultancy work, leads training sessions on senior and middle leadership and continues her engagement with research and evidence informed practice