Evaluation Works


 Schools innovate a lot. When heads think they have a problem (particularly an ‘Ofsted-vulnerable’ one), it’s very tempting to try lots of improvements at once.

But how do you know which one works? Increasingly, schools who know us for our research and evaluation work with them are asking if we can help them evaluate changes they’ve made or plan to make.

This is something we’ve been doing in the FE sector for a while (see the Lab Sites item) and now we are offering a similar service to schools. So, if you want to know:

• Is it really working? Is it having an impact on student learning and outcomes?

• Can we make our innovation better? More efficient?

• How can we connect it with our other work?

• Should we extend it or scale it up? If so, how?

• What can we learn from implementing it?


Contact info@curee.co.uk for a free, obligation-free chat on how we might help. This can range from a simple mentoring session through to doing the whole evaluation for you.