Launch of the CUREE/Teach First Gaining and Sustaining Momentum Report

Gaining and Sustaining MomentumOn 6 June we launched the report of the latest project CUREE, in collaboration with Teach First, has undertaken on schools accelerating progress for vulnerable pupils. The full report is available for download now, and you can read the first of Philippa Cordingley's blogs about the report's findings here.

CUREE has spent a year exploring characteristics shared by schools which are struggling to establish/sustain momentum in their progress towards reaching high-performing status, and investigating how these schools' individual contexts and circumstances relate to the broader evidence base around what exactly makes schools successful in making progress. The project builds on previous work on characteristics of high-performing schools (the report of which can be read here).

Although commissioned for their own planning and development purposes, Teach First have recognised the broader application of the findings and are supporting their wider publication both here and on Teach First's own website. We at CUREE are confident that other schools will want to benefit from the research and we will be offering the diagnostic and school improvement services, tools and and resources to offer over the coming months.

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