Sauce for the Goose: learning entitlements that work for teachers as well as for their pupils

£9.59 (Price includes VAT where applicable)

What do we know about how teachers learn? How does teacher learning compare with pupil learning? How does support for professional learning compare with the evidence? Effective learning for teachers, like effective learning for their pupils depends on deep understanding of the learning content and goals brought to bear through planning and dynamic interactions between learners and those who support them. In the context of CPD this includes including other professional learners; we need a pedagogy for CPD just as much as we need one for pupils.This booklet (monograph) draws on the international evidence base to outline the case for and characteristics of a new approach to continuing professional development (CPD) for practitioners. it outlines:

  • the 6 key elements of an effective professional learning environment;
  • shows how coaching can be harnessed to support effective (and efficient) professional learning and;
  • and describes the barriers to and enablers of progress.

This is an essential read at a time when the established approaches to the professional development of teachers are being dismantled and new ones are only just emerging. it also contains a real recipe for a sauce which goes particularly well with roast goose (or duck or chestnuts).

Price: £7.99