
This website provides access to information about CUREE; our work, our staff and our partners. You can also access a range of resources from this site including buying those of our products or services which have a 'sticker' price (though much of what we do is commissioned).

Data protection, privacy and GDPR

You can access most of information on this website without providing any personal information at all (though the site will still register some technical information about your access. You can find more details about what information we capture from you and how it is processed and secured by reading our data protection and privacy policy here 

Log in - should I?

Most of the material on this site is public and you don't need to register or log in to access it. Some parts of the site contain restricted information for which you need a user ID and login credentials. This is typically because the service 'behind' the login is not free and is restricted to registered users who have paid for access. We aren't particularly happy about that - we used to be to use a little bit of the income we generated from our work to provide an open public service. The change of government and the general public service context regretably means that we can't do as much of this now.

If you need to register (because you or your organisation has paid for a restricted service) we will have provided you with registration instructions. If you think you should have this but haven't , email us and we'll do our best to sort it out.

Register for updates

One of the features linked to registration is automatic updates of changes, updates and additions to the site. Unfortunately, automatic registration offers a route to bad people out there use as a way of wrecking our site. So we have reverted to the tried, tested and controllable technology of e-news letters and bulletins. We would really like to send you the occasional newsletter and email so you can register for that here  If you'd like to register click here


We have provide several different ways to find your way about:

  • the Menu across the top of rthe window of the screen is the principal method of browsing the content of our site. Of course, we have guess what categories would be meaningful to you and we will want to draw your attention to stuff we think is really important. The menu system does this to some extent and so do:
  • links on the Home page and the News and Resources panes. We try to update these frequently to point up important or recent stuff;
  • click on Search and enter some key words to search for. There's some advanced search features too which allow you to filter or narrow down the results if you get hundreds of positive 'hits' of your search;
  • use the Site Map to get a structured listing of the whole site (essentially, it expands the menu system so you can look at it all at once). 


At several points on the site, the material is gathered together in automatically updated lists, called views. The main examples of these are News, Projects, and Resources. Because these lists are updated automatically, they are a convenient alternative to using Search. Search requires you to enter one or more search words or key terms and you may not know what that should be. So, for example, the Resources Archive lets you look for stuff Alphabetically (by the first word), by Topic and by Phase (if you are specifically only interested in, say, early years). The Resources Archive shows material which was posted 90 days or more ago but will also let you find pretty much anything we've ever added to the site.

The lists are ordered by date (newest first) by default - except Alphabetically, of course, which is alphabetical (duh!). However you can change this and sort by title and by some other things depending on the list. Most lists also let you filter by something - by choosing a term in the filter box - so then you will only see the stuff which matches that term. So you can, for instance, filter the topic list by 'leadership' (you have to click on 'apply' for anything to happen) which will show you material which relates to leadership. A lot of stuff is relevant to more than one category.


Most of CUREE's work is designed and delivered to a precise specification agreed with the customer. but we have a small array of 'products' available 'off the shelf' which you can buy directly from the website.  We use Paypal card services so you can pay with a PayPal account or with any of the listed credit or debit cards and in any currency