Narrowing the Gap for the National College

CUREE was commissioned by the National College to work on the ‘Leadership for Narrowing the Gap’ project in which 160 clusters engaged between 2008 and 2010. During the second year of this successful collaborative enquiry initiative, groups from across the country undertook enquiries into effective actions to reduce a variety of gaps caused by socio-economic status, ethnicity, transition stage, etc. CUREE provided a sound evidence base, some research tools to aid the effectiveness of the enquiries and then worked with enquiry groups to identify findings that can be helpful across the system.

CUREE worked with 11 groups intensively throughout the year to gain a better understanding of the impact that the groups were having on the gap they were looking to close, their schools, and the local community they served.

Case studies review

A full report was written based on discussions and materials produced by all clusters, including group action plans, conversations with National College school associates, and an end-of-year report submitted by each group in July 2010.

Summary report

Full report