
Encouraging teachers nationwide to discuss and engage with the Research of the Month (RoM) series

CUREE worked alongside the General Teaching Council’s Engage network to run two events to encourage teachers nationwide to discuss and engage with the Research of the Month (RoM) series. The teachers used the evidence from RoM as a starting point for a completing a stage one Teacher Learning Academy (TLA) presentation.

You can find out more by visiting section 4, Engaging behaviour, of the online version of Teaching: the GTC magazine. If you have a printed copy of the magazine turn to page 8

Teaching and Learning Research Programme - Research Tasters

These short articles link research findings to suggestions for collecting classroom data for reflection and future planning. They cover a range of topics including parental involvement and behaviour. One taster suggests how teachers can collect, then build on evidence about pupils’ contacts with literacy at home to create ideas parents can use with their children. 180 tasters can be accessed now at with many more forthcoming.

Services for schools

CUREE's years of experience in working with the evidence of what works in education isn't just applied to major national and international projects. We are able to offers schools, consortia and other educational organisations a customised range of evidence based resources packaged together to inform the school’s or college's development plan and your CPD priorities.