Research paper

How does CPD affect teaching and learning? Issues in systematic reviewing from a practitioner perspective.

The systematic review process developed by the Centre grew out of EPPI’s work in the health field and the belief that there is “much that researchers in education and users of educational research can learn from work in these other areas, although some of the challenges of research synthesis in education are particular to that setting”

From Transmission to Collaborative Learning: Best Evidence in Continuing Professional Development

This interactive symposium explores the characteristics of effective collaborative CPD for teachers through modeling the use of evidence and research. The work developed from a systematic review of the impact of CPD on teaching and on student learning coordinated by CUREE within the framework provided by the Evidence for Policy and Practice Information (EPPI) Centre at the University of London.

Teaching and Learning Research Programme - Research Tasters

These short articles link research findings to suggestions for collecting classroom data for reflection and future planning. They cover a range of topics including parental involvement and behaviour. One taster suggests how teachers can collect, then build on evidence about pupils’ contacts with literacy at home to create ideas parents can use with their children. 180 tasters can be accessed now at with many more forthcoming.