Higher Education

Picture the Evidence

In our search to make research evidence more accessible to leaders and practitioners, CUREE has produced a number of online diagrams which bring together links to high quality research for a range of practitioners. Here are some examples

Route Map

Route maps are interactive resources for locating research resources where practitioners can be assured that the materials are based on sound evidence. These web-based resources and tools are from a variety of organisations that support teachers, school leaders and other practitioners in addressing the following questions:

Further Education and Skills

Recent research in the sector

CUREE was commissioned by the Education & Training Foundation to research the key issues in the teaching of maths and English in the sector. Conducted very rapidly and in partnership with EmCETT we interviewed policy makers and experts, reviewed the international research evidence and consulted leaders and practitioners across the sector. We think the report provides a fascinating window into how maths and English teachers and their leaders are thinking about the new level 2 challenges.

Teaching and Learning Research Programme - Research Tasters

These short articles link research findings to suggestions for collecting classroom data for reflection and future planning. They cover a range of topics including parental involvement and behaviour. One taster suggests how teachers can collect, then build on evidence about pupils’ contacts with literacy at home to create ideas parents can use with their children. 180 tasters can be accessed now at http://www.tlrp.org/pa/ with many more forthcoming.