
RfT - Carl Rogers and Classroom Climate

There's an old saying in teaching, 'Don't smile before Christmas' (meaning 'don't show your nice side before you've shown them who's boss'). But Carl Rogers' work led him to believe passionately that teachers should do precisely the opposite. He believed that teachers should seek to create emotionally warm, supportive environments in which they worked collaboratively with their students to achieve mutual goals.

ResearchED London 2016 Gaining and Sustaining Momentum

On the 10th September, 2016, Philippa Cordingley presented at the annual ResearchED Conference in London, a practitioner-led event attended by educators and researchers from across the UK. Philippa's session drew on the recently published Teach First Gaining and Sustaining Momentum Report and the newly launched SKEIN Momentum product. If you would like to view Philippa's presentation from the event please contact

ResearchED London 2016 Gaining and Sustaining Momentum

On the 10th September, 2016, Philippa Cordingley presented at the annual ResearchED Conference in London, a practitioner-led event attended by educators and researchers from across the UK. Philippa's session drew on the recently published Teach First Gaining and Sustaining Momentum Report and the newly launched SKEIN Momentum product. 

The impact of a thinking skills approach (CAME) on students’ mathematical ability

The Cognitive Acceleration in Mathematics (CAME) project was developed in response to concerns among practitioners about the mismatch between students’ ability to solve mathematics problems and what the secondary curriculum demanded of them. Based on research and theory about students’ thinking, CAME aims to boost the capacity for mathematical thinking of students aged 11 to 14 years and consequently raise their attainment in standard tests.

This study reports the findings from 12 schools in which students were taught CAME lessons during Years 7 and 8.  Over half the 78 classes involved showed larger than expected gains in mathematics tests at the end of Year 8. After a further three years in the same schools, GCSE pass rates in mathematics were significantly higher than those in control schools. Pass rates in English and science also showed improvements. 


CASSA R&D Culture Conference 2016, What we know about the contribution of effective CPD to pupil progress and school improvement (CPDL)

On the 11th July, 2016, Philippa presented at the Cambridge and Suffolk Schools Alliance (CASSA) annual Research and Professional Development conference.

To access the slides from her presentation, 'What we know about the contribution of effective CPD to pupil progress and school improvement (CPDL)', contact

Come Say Hello!

There are plenty of opportunities to get involved with our exciting work in the coming months, be it face-to-face at any of the conferences we're attending or by signing up to our new programme of CPD set to begin this Autumn!