Practitioner Research and Evidence Portal - PREP - Enhanced

PREP Is Up And Running

PREP graphicWe are pleased that our project, working with the Education and Training Foundation and other partners to improve access to practitioner research on the Excellence Gateway, is now complete.

The new facility was originally soft launched at Easter when, of course, we were in the middle of the Covid-19 lockdown. From April to September we added some new facilities and a large number of additional resources.

Developing Great Leadership of CPDL and Curriculum Development

Today, Philippa is delivering an online presentation for ResearchED Home on the findings from a map of evidence from systematic reviews, with evidence about pupil impacts. One of the key notes from this presentation is that there is currently no systematic research reviews into curriculum development with evidence of pupil impacts, largely due to there being too few studies with this evidence to support them. Philippa touches on what designing effective CPDL (Continued Professional Development and Learning) means, how it contributes to curriculum development, and what the evidence about curriculum development says about CPDL. 

The goal of ResearchED is to bridge the gap between research and practice in education. Researchers, teachers, and policy makers come together for a day of information-sharing and myth-busting.

You can find Philippa's presentation attached to this news item as a downloadable PDF document. 

Developing Great Leadership of CPD

Presentation to the Whole Education 10th Anniversary Conference in London.

The presentation provides a highly summarised overview of CUREE's recent analysis of the research on leadership and, particularly, the leadership of continuing professional development and learning

The full report from which this presentation is drawn is accessible from here

New research shows the importance of teachers’ CPD focusing on pupil progress and wellbeing side by side

Serious pupil and teacher challenges

diagrameAccording to Pisa, pupils in England may be making slightly better progress than they were but they are also some of most unhappy pupils in the world and getting unhappier. Also, at a time when our teachers are tackling major curriculum reforms, we have a significant recruitment and retention crisis. A new map of the pupil focussed research evidence about Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its leadership, has important messages for school leaders and policy makers about these twin challenges and what to do about them.

Teachers' Professional Identities - CUREE at the ICSEI 2020 Conference

The International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI) is unusual for bringing together policy makers, educationalists and researchers from around the world. CUREE's Bart Crisp, with colleagues from the Universities of Ontario (Professor Carol Campbell) and Birmingham (Dr Tom Perry) went to the 2020 Conference held in Marrakesh to make presentations at a symposium drawing on the 3-year research project CUREE orchestrated for Education International.

That research explored how teachers' professional identities are formed through the lens of seven contrasting jurisdictions around the world.  

You can find the full report and a summary here

CLA Workforce Development Roundtable Keynote Speech

Phillipa is delivering a keynote speech today for the Cultural Learning Alliance (CLA) Workforce Development Roundtable. The CLA champion the right of every child to equal access to the arts and culture, and all the benefits that access brings. Philippa's keynote, 'Where do we stand in relation to policy around learning through and in the arts?', touches on the future of policy-making in education and fragmentation in the education landscape. You can find the slides from her presentation right here.