ResearchED Rugby presentation - Action Research: What is it, and where can I get some?

On the 1st of June, CUREE's senior research manager (Bart Crisp) gave a presentation on Action Research at ResearchED Rugby. The presentation provides:

  • an explanation of some of the principles which CUREE encourages schools & other teaching practitioners to consider when conducting action research/teaching inquiry projects;
  • exploration of a few expansions on/alternative approaches to the model of action research which CUREE employs; and
  • discussion on ways in which the content of the session could prove helpful for participants.

Please find the presentation included in PDF format attached to this news article and for updates on presentations from the CUREE team, make sure to follow us on Twitter via @CUREE_official

Encouraging discerning research involvement by schools

Whilst making explicit the challenges faced by schools through the questions, this paper also recognises the challenges faced by researchers. In this context the paper’s first goal is to increase the likelihood of schools participating in research on a sustained basis by helping them raise their expectations of what is possible. We also seek to help them understand what is involved so that they can plan for effective participation.

Case Study Newsletter - Kingsford Community College

Welcome to our latest newsletter looking at the exciting ways schools engage with Research and Evidence!
This month we are looking at Kingsford Community School, where they have focussed on integrating coaching linked with peer observation into their Professional Development whole school plans (download a print-friendly pdf version here).

Starting Point

Kingsford Community School is a secondary school with 1,476 students. Ofsted have recognised the outstanding leadership that has already moved the school from satisfactory to good, and the school has been awarded The Teacher Effectiveness Program (TEEP) ambassador status. A much higher than average proportion of the students are eligible for pupil premium and well over half speak English as an additional language.

The Xmas Blog 2016

Hang on, I hear you say, haven’t I just had an e-news from you? Yes you have, we have sheepishly to reply. But that was the regular end of term communiqué full of serious and useful info. This, on the other hand, is the Xmas edition, light hearted and full of cheer! And I am going to try really hard to put an optimistic spin on escaping from the dark and turbulent 2016 into the sunny uplands of 2017. Let me know how I make out.

What’s Going Wrong? Focusing on Mathematical Knowledge: The Impact of Content-Intensive Teacher Professional Development

This recently published research report [] provides an account of the effects of a resource intensive CPD programme with a very specific focus and a plausible sounding theory of change. It was sustained, over a year, although the lion’s share (85%) took place over the summer (holidays?).

Teacher Effectiveness Enhancement Programme (TEEP) Evaluation Report

CUREE evaluated the TEEP programme as offered by SSAT. Our role was to gather information on

  • How teachers are embedding and developing TEEP in the classroom.
  • How school leaders are contributing to developing the impact of the programme.
  • How learners are responding and developing positive attitudes to learning.

The overall aim was to learn from schools what their experiences have been both pre and post TEEP training, what has proven most effective and any areas where they feel TEEP support can be improved.  All schools took part voluntarily and they were assured complete confidentiality to encourage them to provide robust evidence about their involvement in the programme, its strengths and areas for development.

Research of the Month (ROM) Evidence Anthology for Newly Qualified Teachers

In this anthology we start with the fundamental issue of teacher beliefs: what do effective teachers believe? We then go on to look at what effective teachers actually do. Based on their beliefs, what do effective teachers do to promote learning?We have examined the evidence to find answers to each of these questions. and you will find that several important themes keep cropping up throughout the anthology.