

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behaviour needs. The RTI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children in the general education classroom. Struggling learners are provided with interventions at increasing levels of intensity to accelerate their rate of learning.  A variety of staff are engaged in the process, including classroom and specialist teachers.


The Numicon approach is built on the work of Catherine Stern, using multi disciplinary/ multi-sensory, using apparatus and focusing on Action, Imagery and Conversation. The programme of activities with Numicon Shapes and rods helps children understand number relationships, spot patterns and make generalisations. The Numicon Shapes and rods help teachers and children to communicate their ideas. Children are encouraged to work together on activities which emphasise applying understanding to solve problems.

CUREE Easter Enews


  • Philippa’s Easter Blog
  • Route Maps – a key element in the CPD journey from primary to HE
  • Frederick Bird School
  • The new OfSTED Data Dashboard
  • Using Support Staff to make a difference
  • BERA SAGE practitioner award
  • Quis custodiet..?
  • Bad Science – Good Education?
  • Evidence for Professional learning
  • Accessing the evidence – the CUREE guarantee
  • Links


Philippa’s Easter Blog

News and Events

CUREE is always involved in a variety of projects, ranging from large scale nation-wide projects such as FILM CLUB and Closing the Gap: Test and Learn, more regional activities like the Local Leadership of Education and Training, though to smaller consultancy work with individual schools and colleges such as producing bespoke Route Maps and SKEIN evaluations. Below you can find the latest news about the many projects, workshops and events which CUREE is involved in, as well as other news from our organisation.

Here you can find:

System Leaders

System Leaders