
Closing the Gap: Test and Learn Overview

What is it?

Closing the Gap: Test and Learn is a new scheme from the National College of Teaching and Leadership providing grants for schools and teachers to get involved in rigorous research. The goal is to help improve the evidence-base for what works in closing the attainment gap (CTG) for disadvantaged pupils and also to stimulate robust research and development in schools. The scheme should also strengthen relationships between schools and higher education institutions.

Enhancing achievement for vulnerable students

Enhancing achievement for vulnerable students: the role of research engagement and knowledge and capacity building in complex systems

This paper to the 2013 AERA conference in San Francisco focuses on two aspects of the use of research and evidence in increasing educational effectiveness. It explores the contribution of use of research and evidence to meeting the needs of vulnerable students (Proposition 1) and the way in which it becomes increasingly important as the governance of education moves from central regulation to de-regulation, from a small number of high profile players to an increasingly diffuse, diverse and localised group of stakeholders. (Proposition 2), As remarked in OECD (Fazekas & Burns, 2012) knowledge and its use moves centre stage in the context of increasing complexity in education governance systems. Similarly, in the context of the complexity of the learning needs of the most vulnerable and the difficulties education systems have in responding effectively to them, research and evidence about high leverage approaches have a particularly important part to play. (Ibid).

CUREE Easter Enews


  • Philippa’s Easter Blog
  • Route Maps – a key element in the CPD journey from primary to HE
  • Frederick Bird School
  • The new OfSTED Data Dashboard
  • Using Support Staff to make a difference
  • BERA SAGE practitioner award
  • Quis custodiet..?
  • Bad Science – Good Education?
  • Evidence for Professional learning
  • Accessing the evidence – the CUREE guarantee
  • Links


Philippa’s Easter Blog

Practitioner Use of Research Review - Full Technical Report

REPORT OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTITIONER USE OF RESEARCH REVIEW: Practitioner engagement in and/or with research

This is a technical report of a systematic research review that focuses on how practitioners engage in and/or with research to inform and develop their practice. The overall question for the review is: What are the links between practitioner engagement in and/or with research and learner (student/patient/client) outcomes? Given the broad nature of this question, the review group developed a number of sub questions to help scaffold the analysis of the studies included in the review. The answers to our sub questions have in turn helped us to flesh out and illustrate the answers to our overall review question. Our sub questions are:

1. What are the obstacles to practitioner engagement in and/or with research?

2. What forms of support are required to help practitioners overcome such obstacles?

3. What is the range of approaches to practitioner engagement with research findings?

4. What is the range of approaches to practitioner engagement in research?

CUREE Newsletter July 2012

Philippa’s Summer Blog

AlpsI simply can’t remember a summer as wet as this. Looking on the bright side perhaps it means students with hay fever had an easier exam time? It also makes weeding easier as I discovered last weekend after 6 weekends “on the road “ – a mix of work and festivities. But that’s it for the up side - so I am sharing a photo from a very sunny weekend in the Italian Alps to remind you what the sun looks like. Last time I was there in June it was snowing!

Summer CPD – a case study

The role of professional learning in determining the profession's future

This paper supports and expands on the presentation made by Philippa Cordingley to the international invitation seminar on the Future of the Teaching Profession held at Churchill College Cambridge on 16/17th February 2012.The event was sponsored by OECD and Education International

It focuses on the nature and role of teacher professional learning in shaping the future of the profession. It offers insights from six systematic and technical reviews of the evidence about Continuing Professional Learning and Development and extensive research and evaluation focussed on the impact of such activity on teachers and pupils and the effectiveness of school as learning environments for them both.