
Beyond Levels - Goverance and the role of National Leaders of Governance

A presentation to the LearningFirst event at Sheffield, Hallam University on 5th November 2016. Governors (and trustees) are now firmly ensconsed in the leadership accountability system which is now a joint enterprise with heads and other senior leaders. This short presentation outlined the contradictory pressures on governors, particularly about their level of engagement with pupil performance, and what they needed to exercise their role effectively. The presentation went on to outline how National Leaders of Governance can support governing bodies in this.

ResearchED London 2016 Gaining and Sustaining Momentum

On the 10th September, 2016, Philippa Cordingley presented at the annual ResearchED Conference in London, a practitioner-led event attended by educators and researchers from across the UK. Philippa's session drew on the recently published Teach First Gaining and Sustaining Momentum Report and the newly launched SKEIN Momentum product. If you would like to view Philippa's presentation from the event please contact

ResearchED London 2016 Gaining and Sustaining Momentum

On the 10th September, 2016, Philippa Cordingley presented at the annual ResearchED Conference in London, a practitioner-led event attended by educators and researchers from across the UK. Philippa's session drew on the recently published Teach First Gaining and Sustaining Momentum Report and the newly launched SKEIN Momentum product. 

CASSA R&D Culture Conference 2016, What we know about the contribution of effective CPD to pupil progress and school improvement (CPDL)

On the 11th July, 2016, Philippa presented at the Cambridge and Suffolk Schools Alliance (CASSA) annual Research and Professional Development conference.

To access the slides from her presentation, 'What we know about the contribution of effective CPD to pupil progress and school improvement (CPDL)', contact

OUP Developing Great Teaching Conference 'CPDL that works for teachers and pupils' presentation


A series of further videos are now available courtesy of Oxford University Press - including a filmed Q&A session with Philippa on the topic of developing great teaching. This video, and more, can be freely accessed at the Oxford Owl website.

Want to find out more about developing great teaching? Then get in touch at

On the 21st and 23rd of June 2016, Philippa Cordingley presented at the Developing Great Teaching Conferences in Cardiff and London. Her session 'CPDL that works for pupils and teachers: evidence based tools for embedding high quality coaching' can be viewed below.

OECD CERI Conference on Innovation, Governance and Reform in Education

Philippa presented at OECD's CERI Conference on Innovation, Governance and Reform in Education earlier this month. You can find out more about the conference here:

Philippa's presentations were part of the conference dedicated to Knowledge-intensive Governance, Innovation and Chance; looking at how knowledge in and about education is created, mediated and used, and the adequacy of such knowledge bases to fulfil the many demands being made of them. This part of the conference focused particularly on the demands for knowledge created, mediation and use that can feed into innovation and systems of decision-making and policy change. 

Philippa's first presentation titled 'How is knowledge in and about education effectively created, mediated and used? How effective are our systems for making use of it?' drew findings and conclusions from CUREE's extensive research into how knowledge is created and used. To recieve a copy of this presentation please email