
Teacher competence and the teaching profession

10/09/2014 - 09:00
Stockholm, Sweden

Philippa was asked to speak at the 'Teacher competence and the teaching profession' international conference based in Stockholm, Sweden this week.

Her presentation, titled 'Effective, pupil focussed, professional learning environments in schools: evidence led contributions from teachers and leaders' can be found here.

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What makes exceptional schools exceptional?

generic site logoSpeaking at the second ResearchED conference on 6 September 2014, Philippa Cordingely offered some further insights into the differences between schools that were *merely* strong and those which were exceptional in meeting the needs of vulnerable learners.

Her presentation which can be downloaded from here outlined the key features which distinguished those schools which were exceptional (75%+ at GCSE including English and Maths) ) from those merely very good (achieving at least national averages) at meeting the needs of vulnerable learners in communities with very high FSM (free school meals).

Teach First Achieving Together Event

08/07/2014 - 09:00

Philippa recently spoke at the Teach First Achieve Together conference in Hartlepool. Her presentation was entitled "What evidence can contribute to pupil, teacher, school and collaborative success".

If you would like a copy of this presentation for in-school use, we are quite happy to send it to you. Just email and request a copy.

If you want to talk to Philippa about her presentation, she's active on Twitter (@PhilippaCcuree) and would love to hear your thoughts.

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Making research work for teachers, for students, for leaders and the system

On Saturday 24th June, Philippa and Paul attended the 'Teacher Research Conference' at Sussex University. 

Philippa presented a keynote on "Making research work for teacher, for students, for leaders and the system". In her presentation Philippa highlighted the consistent evidence about the contribution of research to learning; something that we at CUREE are particularly passionate about. 

If you would like a copy of this presentation for in-school use, we are quite happy to send it to you. Just email and request a copy.

Philippa is also available on Twitter if you have any questions @PhilippaCcuree

Philippa's presentation from the ATL Conference 2014

Philippa presented in a breakout session at this years' ATL Conference, she spoke in the session about evidence informed professionalism. The title of her presentation was 'using research to inform practice and approaches to Continuing Professional Development and Learning in schools'.

If you'd like a copy of the presentation for in-school use, email and request a copy.

Philippa speaks at the ResearchED Conference

05/04/2014 - 09:00

Philippa spoke at the ResearchED Conference in Birmingham on Saturday (5th April) about 'Meeting the needs of vulnerable pupils; what makes exceptional schools exceptional?' 

If you would like a copy of the presentation, we are happy to send it to you for in-school use. Just email and ask for a copy.

She also did a workshop activity which involved delegates using their own experiences of strong and exceptional schools to work out the defining differences between the two.



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Effective Evaluation

28/03/2014 - 09:00 to 17:00

How do schools, colleges and other providers - including CPD providers - use evidence effectively to evaluate their own activities? The attached presentation approaches this question from substantial body of evidence about the characteristics of CPD which improves student learning outcomes.

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Optimus Conference 2013

12/11/2013 - 09:00 to 16:30

CUREE attended the Optimus Conference 2013 - Evidence High-Impact In-House CPD on 12th November. We were delighted that Philippa chaired  the conference and presented "Practical methods to accurately measure and evaluate the impact of CPD on the Quality of Teaching". Lisa Bradbury presented "Establish and sustain continuous, flexible coaching and mentoring programmes to support staff from ITT to SLT". 

Click here to view the opening presentation 

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ResearchED Conference 2013

07/09/2013 - 09:00 to 15:00

CUREE were delighted to attend the ResearchED conference on 7th September 2013. Philippa Cordingley presented "Understanding, using and developing evidence about what works where: strategies that work for both pupils and teachers" Click here to view the presentation.


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Using evidence to promote staff and student learning

Philippa Cordingley, Rebecca Raybould and Karen Manuel presented Using the evidence to promote staff and student learning workshop at Birmingham Metropolitan College on 13th March 2013. This workshop explored how schools and colleges can improve outcomes, and develop practice and teacher enquiry through the use of accessible research and evidence. You can see the presentation here